25 records found
Understanding crystal nucleation by laser induced cavitation
Task based design of flexible, intensified crystallisation process units
2-D flow and temperature measurements in a multiphase airlift crystallizer
A modelling tool for dynamic simulation of task based solution crystallization processes (P&E-2545)
Minimization of attrition and breakage in an airlift crystallizer
Crystal nucleation by laser-induced cavitation
Measurement and modelling of the velocity flow regims of a multiphase airlift crystallizer
Approaching ideal crystal growth in an airlift crystallizer
Modelling of the velocity flow regimes of a multiphase airlift crystallizer
Towards ideal crystal growth
Novel precipitation crystallizer design: preliminary hydrodynamic study
Optimizing crystal growth in an airlift crystallizer
Particle image velocymetry in a crystallizer doubble stirred
Development of a task based crystallizer design
Sonocrystallization (MSc-2396)
Development of new model based crystallization concepts
Laser induced nucleation of crystals