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A. Kara

34 records found

Over the past decade, numerous countries and researchers have been investigating the potential of 3D cadastre based on the Building Information Model (BIM). In Türkiye, the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (GDLRC) has been engaged in the “Production of 3D City Mo ...
The decision to refine the existing content and to extend the scope of Edition I of the ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) is a response to requests from the international Land Administration (LA) community. This response has to be formally organised in accord ...
There is a need for high quality, reliable and up-to-date database management systems to determine sustainable property management policies in smart cities. The database management systems capable of storing 2D and 3D spatial information can be effectively used in smart city appl ...
Evaluating the performance of a land administration system (LAS) is a critical task as it can provide input for improving the operational system. Through such an evaluation, the strengths and weaknesses of the existing system can be identified, and actions can be taken to improve ...
Spatial planning is a critical element of Land Administration (LA), involving the assessment and management of land use, development, environmental protection, and the optimal utilization of land resources. Recognizing the significance of integrating spatial planning information ...
The importance of assigning value to unregistered land may play a crucial role for efficient land management, including acquisition, taxation, and transfer processes. This valuation could be central to establishing tenure security and recognizing legitimate land rights, impacting ...

Current Cadastral Trends

A Literature Review of the Last Decade

Today, population growth, high urbanization rates, and global agenda issues have led to the intensive use of land and air and water spaces, and cadastral systems that manage the people–land relationship have evolved into a multi-purpose form that supports various land-based activ ...
The timely and effective dissemination of property values is an essential part of a transparent and efficient property valuation system. Over the last decade, web-based data-sharing systems have been increasingly used for the dissemination of assessed property values. 3D valuatio ...
This paper examines the requirements based design of the LADM Edition II. The requirements are the starting point for the Abstract Test Suite (ATS, Annex A in an ISO standard). The requirements/ATS can be used to assess if a given LADM country profile with a specific application ...
The first edition of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been available as a formal International Standard since the 1st of December 2012, published as ISO 19152:2012. It is based on / makes use of a number of standards, in particular those published by ISO/TC 211 and ...
In February 2019 the OGC White Paper on Land Administration is published. This White Paper provides an overview of the land administration domain and relevant developments. It also proposes necessary actions for the design and development of an implementation standards. The docum ...

Determination of the property boundary

A review of selected civil law jurisdictions

The boundary of real property is the fundamental element for securing rights attached to land. Countries, even with a long-standing cadastral tradition, often face the challenge of interpreting the course of a parcel boundary on the ground based on the available evidence, as data ...
Τhe built environment has a vast and ever-growing number of complex and multi-layered buildings and other structures. The number of those is growing because of the increasing pressure on the limited space in cities. It is important to note that different professional sectors are ...
Among the topics that are introduced and/ or being refined in the context of the revision of the LADM 19152:2012, the legal Land Administration-related aspects are being investigated. With the knowledge and the experience from the developments of the LADM so far, and the ongoing ...
The interest in using 3D data in property valuation has been increasing during the last decade. The usage of 3D data models in valuation can be basically grouped in two main categories: (a) supporting mathematical models with variables produced through 3D analyses (e.g. view) in ...
A code list in Unified Modeling Language (UML), a simple list of values without any structure, can be employed as a simple data type to further capture the semantics of a domain. The code list values as used in international standards (e.g. ISO and OGC) are generally presented wi ...
A new edition of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) is under further development in ISO/TC 211 on Geographic Information. The Committee is developing this new edition of the LADM – as multipart – working titles are as follows: Part 1 – Fundamentals Part 2 – Land Registra ...
The timely and effective dissemination of property values is an essential part of a transparent and efficient property valuation system as property values are required in several land administration processes, such as land acquisition, taxation, transaction, consolidation, readju ...
Spatial data in a Land Administration (LA) establish a fundamental geospatial data theme (see UN GGIM, 2018) and the integrated geospatial information framework for any Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Domain-specific standards, an integral component of the SDI, play an essenti ...