12 records found
Relative contribution of different muscle energy consumption processes in an energy-based muscle load sharing cost function
An emg-driven musculoskeletal model of the shoulder
Comparison of two methods for In Vivo estimation of the Glenohumeral Joint Rotation Center (GH-JRC) of the Patients with Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty
Validation of the Delft Shoulder and Elbow Model using in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact forces
How well does a musculoskeletal model predict gh-joint contact forces? Comparison with in-vivo data
Fate of effluent organic matter and dbp precursors in an effluent-dominated river: a case study of wastewater impact on downstream water quality
Wastewater-impacted drinking water sources
Contribution of wastewaster to dbp formation
Organic nitrogen in drinking water and reclaimed
Organic matter in soil-aquifer treatment systems
Modelling THM formation in treated and reclaimed wastewater
Contribution of wastewater to DBP formation