P.J.J.M. Dekkers
12 records found
Demonstrations are fantastic. They offer so many wonderful possibilities to show the beauty of physics and amaze pupils, that we really should do at least one in every physics class. While it may not always be feasible, the objection “which demo then?” no longer applies. This boo
Dertig jaar geleden verscheen in NVOX een artikel van Jaap Buning en Ed van den Berg: ‘Practicum, leren ze er wat?’ De kernboodschap: practica zouden veel leerzamer zijn als ze efficiënt op leren gericht waren. Dat artikel is nog altijd (terecht) verplichte kost in de meeste lera
Ruim 80 demonstraties om morgen in de klas uit te voeren zó beschreven dat fysische begripsvorming optimaal is, met soms conceptcartoons gericht op natuurwetenschappelijke vaardigheden, begripsontwikkeling of de charme van natuurkunde voor een groot publiek voorzien van een site
Integrating argumentation in physics inquiry
A design and evaluation study
This small-scale, qualitative study uses educational design research to explore how focusing on argumentation may contribute to students’ learning to engage in inquiry independently. Understanding inquiry as the construction of a scientifically cogent argument in support of a cla
Defining and assessing understandings of evidence with the assessment rubric for physics inquiry
Towards integration of argumentation and inquiry
Physics inquiry can be interpreted as the construction of a cogent argument in which students apply inquiry knowledge and knowledge of physics to the systematic collection of relevant, valid, and reliable data, creating optimal scientific support for a conclusion that answers the
Secondary school students often only use the rules for doing scientific inquiry when prompted, as if they fail to see the point of doing so. This qualitative design study explores conditions to address this problem in school science inquiry. Dutch students (N = 22, aged 14–15) re
Learning to engage in scientific inquiry is an important goal in secondary physics education. However, attaining this learning goal continues to be a challenge. We addressed this problem by devising and testing a teaching sequence that aims at developing students’ (aged 14-15) un
This paper explores students’ ability to analyse and interpret empirical data as inadequate data analysis skills and understandings may contribute to the renowned disappointing outcomes of practical work in secondary school physics. Selected competences, derived from a collection
Successfully carrying out a secondary school physics inquiry requires a considerable amount of procedural and content knowledge. It further requires knowledge of how and why maintaining scientific standards produces the best available answer to the given research question. To thi
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Ruim 80 demonstraties om morgen in de klas uit te voeren zó beschreven dat fysische begripsvorming optimaal is, met soms conceptcartoons gericht op natuurwetenschappelijke vaardigheden, begripsontwikkeling of de charme van natuurkunde voor een groot publiek voorzien van een site