Bruno Christophe
3 records found
The Next Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM), currently in a feasibility study phase as a candidate Mission of Opportunity for ESA-NASA cooperation in the frame of the Mass Change and Geo-Sciences International Constellation (MAGIC), is designed to monitor mass transport in the Ear
The state-of-the-art electrostatic accelerometers (EA) used for the retrieval of non-gravitational forces acting on a satellite constitute a core component of every dedicated gravity field mission. However, due to their difficult-to-control thermal dr
First Results of a Space Test of the Equivalence Principle
According to the weak equivalence principle, all bodies should fall at the same rate in a gravitational field. The MICROSCOPE satellite, launched in April 2016, aims to test its validity at the 10-15 precision level, by measuring the force required to maintain two test masses (of