Arvid Q L Keemink

8 records found

Series elastic actuators (SEA) with their inherent compliance offer a safe torque source for robots that are interacting with various environments, including humans. These applications have high requirements for the SEA torque controllers, both in the torque response as well as i ...
Background: Balance control is important for mobility, yet exoskeleton research has mainly focused on improving metabolic energy efficiency. Here we present a biomimetic exoskeleton controller that supports walking balance and reduces muscle activity. Methods: Humans restore bala ...
Joint impedance plays an important role in postural control and movement. However, current experimental knowledge on lower limb impedance during gait is limited to the ankle joint. We designed the LOwer limb PERturbator (LOPER) aimed to assess knee and hip joint impedance during ...
BACKGROUND: In the last two decades, lower-limb exoskeletons have been developed to assist human standing and locomotion. One of the ongoing challenges is the cooperation between the exoskeleton balance support and the wearer control. Here we present a cooperative ankle-exoskelet ...
Knowledge on joint impedance during walking in various conditions is relevant for clinical decision-making and the development of robotic gait trainers, leg prostheses, leg orthotics and wearable exoskeletons. Whereas ankle impedance during walking has been experimentally assesse ...
This paper presents an overview of admittance control as a method of physical interaction control between machines and humans. We present an admittance controller framework and elaborate control scheme that can be used for controller design and development. Within this framework, ...
Robotic devices that are able to manipulate the fingers can support the study of robot-Assisted motor learning. Currently no devices are available that provide a transparent haptic environment and provide a platform to study motor learning. To cut down on costs it is proposed to ...
Passive assistive devices that compensate gravity can reduce human effort during transportation of heavy objects. The additional reduction of inertial forces, which are still present during deceleration when using gravity compensation, could further increase movement performance ...