Han A.B. Wösten

12 records found

Mycelium-based composites result from the growth of filamentous fungi on organic materials such as agricultural waste streams. These novel biomaterials represent a promising alternative for product design and manufacturing both in terms of sustainable manufacturing processes and ...
Agaricus bisporus consumes carbohydrates contained in wheat straw based compost used for commercial mushroom production. Double substituted arabinoxylan is part of the ~40% of the compost polysaccharides that are not degraded by A. bisporus during its growth and development. Gene ...
Many fungi are polykaryotic, containing multiple nuclei per cell. In the case of heterokaryons, there are different nuclear types within a single cell. It is unknown what the different nuclear types contribute in terms of mRNA expression levels in fungal heterokaryons. Each cell ...
Filamentous fungi colonize substrates by forming a mycelium. This network of hyphae can be used as a bio-based material. Here, we assessed the impact of environmental growth conditions and deletion of the hydrophobin gene sc3 on material properties of the mycelium of the mushroom ...
Mushrooms are the most conspicuous fungal structures. Transcription factors (TFs) Bri1 and Hom1 of the model fungus Schizophyllum commune are involved in late stages of mushroom development, while Wc-2, Hom2, and Fst4 function early in development. Here, it is shown that Bri1 and ...
The exhibition will display ongoing activities as well as preliminary results of our joint STW/TTW project “Mycelium-based Materials for Product Design” (project nr. 14572), a collaborative endeavor between Design Academy Eindhoven, TU Delft and Utrecht University. Through an im ...
The Cys2His2 zinc finger protein gene c2h2 of Schizophyllum commune is involved in mushroom formation. Its inactivation results in a strain that is arrested at the stage of aggregate formation. In this study, the c2h2 orthologue of Agaricus bisporus was over-expressed in this whi ...