N. Watson-Brown

7 records found

Distracted driving continues to be a significant risk to road safety. While effective legislation and education are essential for preventing distracted driving, there is evidence showing that current official information and road rules related to distracted driving may not provid ...
Introduction: Speeding behaviour contributes significantly to road crashes and subsequent injuries and fatalities. The purpose of this study was to examine which traditional countermeasures (i.e., police enforcement and on-road signs) and technology-based countermeasures (i.e., a ...
Empirical data demonstrates that distracted driving is a leading cause of crashes even in countries with sophisticated road safety systems. As such, a paradigm shift is needed to prevent driver distraction. This study aims to contribute to this paradigm shift by critically invest ...
Distracted driving is a traffic safety issue worldwide. While the development of comprehensive information and road rules about distracted driving by governments is essential to address the issue, there is evidence showing that existing road rules and information may not always d ...
Decades of research and development to address young drivers’ over-involvement in road crashes has led to critical improvements in understanding and interventions, yet has mostly focused on young drivers or their parents. Driving instructors have a key role in the young driver sa ...

External and internal influences on mobile phone use while driving

Combining the theories of deterrence and self-determination

Objectives: Various legal countermeasures have been introduced in numerous jurisdictions worldwide to reduce the risky behaviour of phone use while driving. However, external factors do not influence behaviour alone; internal factors may also play a large role in influencing beha ...

The self-reported driving behaviour of young drivers in Lithuania

An application of the behaviour of young novice drivers scale – Lithuania (BYNDS-Li)

Background: With just one year left in the Decade of Action for Road Safety, it is timely nations reflect on their progress in the realm of improving road safety more generally, and in young driver road safety specifically given the pernicious problem that is young driver risky d ...