V. Truelove
13 records found
“I probably feel slightly more invincible”
The impact of technology that discloses enforcement locations on drivers’ behaviours
There is a plethora of technology currently available that have the ability to notify individuals of traffic enforcement locations while they are driving. This technology has the potential to undermine legal deterrent efforts for preventing risky driving behaviours. However, driv
“It is a different type of policing than in the bush”
Police officers’ perceptions of the differences in enforcement of the phone use while driving legislation in rural and urban areas
Mobile phone use while driving continues to be a significant road safety concern, despite the severe legal countermeasures to reduce this behaviour. Phone use while driving-related crashes have been demonstrated to be an issue in rural areas, yet research into the impact of legal
External and internal influences on mobile phone use while driving
Combining the theories of deterrence and self-determination
Objectives: Various legal countermeasures have been introduced in numerous jurisdictions worldwide to reduce the risky behaviour of phone use while driving. However, external factors do not influence behaviour alone; internal factors may also play a large role in influencing beha
This report addresses two prominent risky driving behaviors, namely mobile phone use while driving and speeding, within the context of road safety research. Using a handheld phone while driving significantly heightens crash risk and impairs driver performance, manifesting in incr
Objective: Mobile phone use while driving is a major cause of distraction and area for concern. Numerous factors have been shown to be associated with engagement in mobile phone use while driving, including peer influences and social media content encouraging the behavior. Phone
Avoiding being caught and punished has consistently been demonstrated to be a key predictor of continued engagement in risky and illegal phone use while driving. This is a large concern, as the presence of applications such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, and social media pages
Road rule enforcement and where to find it
An investigation of applications used to avoid detection when violating traffic rules
Introduction: One of the primary countermeasures in place to prevent road rule violations is legal enforcement, yet there are numerous applications that can undermine such efforts by notifying drivers of enforcement locations. However, the capabilities of these applications and h
Research into phone use while driving has found that the threat of legal sanctions has limited effectiveness on reducing this behaviour, yet the impact of these countermeasures on concealed phone use has been frequently overlooked. This study sought to understand how legal enforc
“They would call me, and I would need to know because it is like life and death”
A qualitative examination of the acceptability of smartphone applications designed to reduce mobile phone use while driving
Distracted driving is one of the most prevalent risky behaviours worldwide. Research has highlighted that current approaches to distracted driving based on education and police enforcement have shown low effectiveness. Smartphone applications to reduce distracted driving are an e
“It is frustrating to not have control even though I know it's not legal!”
A mixed-methods investigation on applications to prevent mobile phone use while driving
Mobile phone distracted driving is a major risk factor for crashes. However, this behaviour has been increasing in recent years. Effective enforcement of mobile phone bans while driving faces several obstacles; as such, it is important to consider additional countermeasures. Appl
Mobile phone use while driving is a pervasive problem that continues to increase, notwithstanding the large crash risk this behaviour constitutes. A number of phone applications have been developed with the intention of utilising the technology to prevent dangerous phone behaviou
The impact of road advertising signs on driver behaviour and implications for road safety
A critical systematic review
Driver inattention and distraction are recognised as two of the most critical factors for road safety worldwide. While roadside advertising is often identified as a potential source of distraction, it has received less attention compared to other types of distractions such as tex