Sina Rejali
4 records found
Drivers’ perceptions of improving official information and road rules for distracted driving
Enhancing content, design, and delivery
Distracted driving continues to be a significant risk to road safety. While effective legislation and education are essential for preventing distracted driving, there is evidence showing that current official information and road rules related to distracted driving may not provid
Empirical data demonstrates that distracted driving is a leading cause of crashes even in countries with sophisticated road safety systems. As such, a paradigm shift is needed to prevent driver distraction. This study aims to contribute to this paradigm shift by critically invest
Distracted driving is a traffic safety issue worldwide. While the development of comprehensive information and road rules about distracted driving by governments is essential to address the issue, there is evidence showing that existing road rules and information may not always d
Assessing distracted driving crash severities at New York City urban roads
A temporal analysis using random parameters logit model
Distracted driving poses one of the most significant risks to road safety. The current study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the factors affecting the severity of distracted driving crashes in New York City and to explore the temporal stability in the effects of differe