Francesco Picano
12 records found
We consider suspensions of finite-size neutrally buoyant rigid spherical particles in channel flow and investigate the relevance of different momentum transfer mechanisms and the relation between the local particle dynamics and the bulk flow properties in the highly inertial regi
We use interface-resolved simulations to study near-wall turbulence modulation by small inertial particles, much denser than the fluid, in dilute/semi-dilute conditions. We considered three bulk solid mass fractions, and, with only the latter two showing turbulence modulation. Th
Interface-resolved simulations of small inertial particles in turbulent channel flow (Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2020)883 (A54) DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.918)
Equation (2.10) in Costa, Brandt & Picano (2020) for the lift force model used in the point-particle direct numerical simulations (DNS), and which is derived from the classical lift force of Saffman (1965), (Equation presented) does not correspond to the force model actually
We present a direct comparison between interface-resolved and one-way-coupled point-particle direct numerical simulations (DNS) of gravity-free turbulent channel flow laden with small inertial particles, with high particle-to-fluid density ratio and diameter of approximately thre
We use interface-resolved numerical simulations to study finite-size effects in turbulent channel flow of neutrally buoyant spheres. Two cases with particle sizes differing by a factor of two, at the same solid volume fraction of 20 % and bulk Reynolds number are considered. Thes
We study turbulent channel flow of a binary mixture of finite-sized neutrally buoyant rigid particles by means of interface-resolved direct numerical simulations. We fix the bulk Reynolds number and total solid volume fraction, Reb=5600 and Φ=20% , and vary the relative fraction
We present interface-resolved numerical simulations of turbulent channel flow laden with non-spherical rigid and neutrally-buoyant particles. We first focus on the case of oblate particles of aspect ratio 1/3 at volume fractions up to 15% and show that the turbulent drag is decre
Dense suspensions are usually investigated in the laminar limit where inertial effects are insignificant. In this regime, the main effect of the suspended phase is to alter the rheological behavior of the flow which always displays higher effective viscosity with respect to the c
The macroscopic behavior of dense suspensions of neutrally buoyant spheres in turbulent plane channel flow is examined. We show that particles larger than the smallest turbulence scales cause the suspension to deviate from the continuum limit in which its dynamics is well describ
Suspensions of solid particles are frequently found in applications and environmental flows. Several studies concern the rheological properties of suspensions in laminar flows, but much less is known of turbulent suspensions. The present work fills this gap providing DNS data on
Dense suspensions are usually investigated in the laminar limit where inertial effects are insignificant. When the flow rate is high enough, i.e. at high Reynolds number, the flow may become turbulent and the interaction between solid and liquid phases modifies the turbulence we
Inertial regimes in a channel flow of suspension of finite-size neutrally buoyant particles are studied for a wide range of Reynolds numbers: 500 Re 5000, and particle volume fractions: 0 0:3. The flow is classified in three different regimes according to the phase-averaged stres