S.R.M. Miller
80 records found
Robots, institutional roles and joint action
Some key ethical issues
In this article, firstly, cooperative interaction between robots and humans is discussed; specifically, the possibility of human/robot joint action and (relatedly) the possibility of robots occupying institutional roles alongside humans. The discussion makes use of concepts devel
This is an open access title. It is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International licence. It is available to read and download as a PDF version on the Oxford Academic platform. The advent of the Internet, exponential growth i
In the original publication of the article, the author Prof. Seumas Miller was missed to be added as the co-corresponding author in the author group. This has been now corrected with this erratum.
The original article has been corrected.@en
The original article has been corrected.@en
Cognitive warfare
An ethical analysis
This article characterises the nature of cognitive warfare and its use of disinformation and computational propaganda and its political and military purposes in war and in conflict short of war. It discusses both defensive and offensive measures to counter cognitive warfare and,
In this article I address differences between myself and Uwe Steinhoff in relation to the moral principle of reciprocity and its implications for the doctrine of the moral equality of combatants. Whereas I agree with Steinhoff that there is a principle of reciprocity in play in w
In this paper the role of robots in institutional settings is considered and, in particular, the possibility of robots occupying institutional roles. It is argued that robots are not rational agents and, therefore, cannot choose their ultimate ends, including the ultimate collect
In this article, I undertake three main tasks. First, I argue that, contrary to the standard view, moral injury is not a species of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) but rather, on the most coherent conception of moral injury, PTSD is (in effect) a species of moral injury. In
National security intelligence activity
A Philosophical analysis
This article provides philosophical analyses of some of the key notions involved in national security intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination. In Section 1, and relying on the intelligence studies literature, the notion of intelligence is characterized by means of an
This article considers individual rights and fundamental tenets of the criminal justice system in the context of DNA evidence, in particular recent advancements in genomics that have significantly advanced law enforcement investigative capabilities in this area. It discusses a te
The aim is to provide a synoptic view of the epistemic landscape in respect of epistemic actions, abilities and knowing how. The resulting view consists of the following propositions: (1) knowledge-by-acquaintance cannot be reduced to propositional knowledge or to knowing-how or
National security intelligence is information or other data collected, analyzed and disseminated by intelligence agencies (in particular) and done so in the service of these agencies’ primary institutional purpose (Miller 2010), at least in liberal democracies. Here it is underst
This book undertakes a multifaceted and integrated examination of biometric identification, including the current state of the technology, how it is being used, the key ethical issues, and the implications for law and regulation. The five chapters examine the main forms of contem
This chapter provides an ethical analysis of the use of stings or traps in police counter-terrorism operations in liberal democracies and, more specifically, in the USA. The conclusion reached is that such operations are morally justified under certain conditions, such as that th
Genomic data is growing in importance as scientific knowledge and technology develop, and in availability, as direct-to-consumer genomic health testing and recreational genealogy services become more widely utilized. Access to genomic data needs to be considered in light of indiv
Rethinking the Just Intelligence Theory of National Security Intelligence Collection and Analysis
The Principles of Discrimination, Necessity, Proportionality and Reciprocity
In this article, it is argued that the constitutive principles of Just War Theory and the jus ad bellum/jus in bello duality do not transfer all that well to national security intelligence activity. Accordingly, while Just Intelligence Theory–comprising jus ad intelligentiam and
Privacy is an important moral right but so is security, including security from terrorist attacks. Encryption protects privacy rights but also affords protection to terrorists and impedes legitimate counter-terrorist operations. This chapter analyses this ethical dilemma.@en
This chapter argues for the following definition of terrorism. Terrorism is a strategy that: 1. Consists in state or non-state actors deliberately performing acts of violence aimed at (directly or indirectly) seriously harming persons who are not military combatants, human rights