Use of stings in counter-terrorism: entrapment and ethics
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This chapter provides an ethical analysis of the use of stings or traps in police counter-terrorism operations in liberal democracies and, more specifically, in the USA. The conclusion reached is that such operations are morally justified under certain conditions, such as that they are effective, there are no less intrusive methods available, and the inducements offered are ones that the targets of the sting could reasonably be expected to resist. An important novel condition that is proposed is that the suspect has a standing intention (and/or an immediate intention), to commit a serious terrorist offence, for example, he or she occupies a role in a terrorist organization as a bomb-maker, recruiter or trainer, or has otherwise expressed the standing and/or immediate intention to commit a serious terrorist offence, for example, the suspect has drawn up a plan of the terrorist attack and is actively seeking the means to execute it.