C. J. Spiers

7 records found

Fault normal stress (σn) changes dynamically during earthquakes. However, the impact of these changes on fault strength is poorly understood. We explore the effects of rapidly varying σn by conducting rotary-shear experiments on simulated fault gouges at 1 μ ...
Laboratory studies suggest that seismogenic rupture on faults in carbonate terrains can be explained by a transition from high friction, at low sliding velocities (V), to low friction due to rapid dynamic weakening as seismic slip velocities are approached. However, consensus on ...
Rock materials show dramatic dynamic weakening in large-displacement (m), high-velocity (∼1 m/s) friction experiments, providing a mechanism for the generation of large, natural earthquakes. However, whether such weakening occurs during induced M3-4 earthquakes (dm displacements) ...
A promising option for storing large-scale quantities of green gases (e.g., hydrogen) is in subsurface rock salt caverns. The mechanical performance of salt caverns utilized for long-term subsurface energy storage plays a significant role in long-term stability and serviceability ...

The physics of fault friction

Insights from experiments on simulated gouges at low shearing velocities

The strength properties of fault rocks at shearing rates spanning the transition from crystal-plastic flow to frictional slip play a central role in determining the distribution of crustal stress, strain, and seismicity in tectonically active regions. We review experimental and m ...
As part of a study to investigate methods to enhance pore/crack connectivity between the shale matrix and the induced fractures, we have investigated the matrix microstructure of an exposed analogue of the Jurassic Posidonia shales in the Dutch sub-surface. A combination of Preci ...
A modular pore-scale model is developed to assess the response of wellbore cement to geological storage of CO2. Numerical formulations for modeling of solute transport are presented and a methodology for coupling with geochemical processes is discussed, which includes: ...