10 records found


Because of the large uncertainties associated with rising sea levels, present coastal management is inclined towards utilizing soft, nature-inclusive, and adaptive measures over traditional hard protection structures. This shift towards more sustainable and multi-functional solut ...
Sandy nourishments can provide additional sediment to the coastal system to maintain its recreational or safety function under rising sea levels. These nourishments can be implemented at sandy beach systems, but can also be used to reinforce gray coastal infrastructure (e.g., dam ...

Ranking uncertainty

Wave climate variability versus model uncertainty in probabilistic assessment of coastline change

Sand nourishments are increasingly applied as adaptive coastal protection measures. Predictions of the evolution of these nourishments and their impact on the surrounding coastline contain many uncertainties. The sources that add to this uncertainty can be delineated between intr ...
There are different sources of uncertainty in morphological modeling on time scales of years. The standard deterministic modelling approach does not provide any information on the amount of uncertainty contained in a forecast. This lack of information could provide a false sense ...
In the present time of sea-level rise and climate change a global shift has occurred toward sandy coastal protection measures and Building with Nature. These type of protection measures impose extra uncertainty on the instantaneous state of the coastal system over time for which ...


Continuous sea level rise and growing environmental awareness have led to increasing implementation of nature-based solutions to counter coastal erosion. An example in the Netherlands is the Sand Engine---a mega-scale sand nourishment designed to feed the Dutch coast over a perio ...
This study examines a method for a stochastic beach width prediction with a process-based morphodynamic model. This is carried out by a case study at the Hondsbossche Dunes, after a beach nourishment in March 2018. Stochastic forcing conditions are generated for the location of t ...

Marine and aeolian sediment transport at the Hondsbossche Dunes

Analysing and modelling the contribution of marine processes to beach and dune evolution

The Hondsbossche Dunes is a seven-kilometre-long dune, beach and shoreface nourishment that serves as a primary flood defence since 2015. In addition to its protective function, the Hondsbossche Dunes stimulate ecological habitat development in the coastal area, in line with Ecos ...

Evolution of coastline position under the influence of natural and anthropogenic processes is directly linked to the development of seaside societies. In the context of coastal zone management, process-based morphodynamic models are often used top ...

In 2003 certain areas of the Dutch coast were found not to meet contemporary safety standards, as a result of erosion that occurred over the last century. One of these 'weak links' stretches from Camperduin to Petten and is known as the Hondsebossche Pettemer Zeewering; a former ...