18 records found


Soft Layer

A work of art by Toshitaka Nishizawa for the Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging

This booklet provides additional information to the work of art 'Soft Layer' located in front of the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences. This piece of art is an initiative of students and alumni of the Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging and has been revealed on the 24th of Feb ...

This paper shows the results of Short-Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) spectroscopy investigations of volcanic rocks sampled from low-grade metamorphic greenstone belts of the Archean Pilbara Craton in Western Australia. From the reflectance spectra a range of spectrally active mine ...

Variation in the mineral composition of rocks results in a change of their spectral response capable of being studied by imaging spectroscopy. This paper proposes the use of a low-cost handy sensor, a calibrated visible-very near infrared (VIS-VNIR) multispectral camera for the r ...


A visual assessment tool for mine development

The development of an evaluation tool to compare the visual impact of opencast mining operations in the pre-feasibility phase

Surface mining operations can have a significant visual impact on the surrounding landscape and communities. There have been numerous cases of local populations pushing back against the development of mining operations near their communities. This study aims to determine whether ...
During this thesis, 2D modelling using the MOVE software suite is performed on a fold and thrust belt in the French Prealps. The area of interest is called the Couspeau area and is 72 km2. In this area, Vocontian basin sediments deposited during the Jurassic and Cretaceous can be ...

Energy from the surface

Structural geology and fracture network characterisation of the Daly Waters Arch, Northern Territory (Australia) & communication approach for technical uncertainties in geothermal energy implementation in the Dutch energy transition

This report contains the results of the two thesis studies that finalise a combined MSc--programs of Reservoir Geology and Science Communication. The first part of the report comprises the multi-scale data (kilometers to meters scale) analysis of a) the large--scale architecture ...
More than 30% of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves are located in carbonate reservoirs, and this percentage is likely to increase, as a result of discoveries of new giant oil fields in carbonate rocks, generically named “Pre-salt layers”. However, there are still some problems in ...
The structural evolution, phases and amount of deformation, and the strain distribution of the sedimentary cover of a geologically complex area of 270 km2 in the French subalpine chains (Southeast of France; in the surroundings of the village La Motte-Chalancon) were deduced from ...

The geological history of the McArthur Basin (NT Australia) is poorly understood. It consists of five onshore Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic packages with mainly siliciclastic and carbonate rocks, with cumulative thicknesses up to 15km. The basin contains the worl ...

In the mining industry the initial capital expenditure budgeted in the feasibility study is being overrun structurally. These capital expenditure overruns have long been recognised, yet no method is available predicting the probability a mining project will experience an overrun. ...
The decrease in the production of hydrocarbons in combination with a growing urgency to reduce carbon emissions drives a rapid study and application of geothermal energy in the Netherlands. The produced heat from the low enthalpy geothermal energy can be used for heating up the b ...
A three-dimensional geological model has been constructed of a 49 square km area in the sub-Alpine chains in the French Drôme department. The area was situated in the Vocontian Basin, which was an epicontinental sea situated at the western margin of the Alpine Tethys Ocean, betwe ...