V. Chavarrias Borras

25 records found

A notable drawback in mixed-size sediment morphodynamic modeling is the fact that the most commonly used mathematical model in this field (i.e., the active layer model Hirano, 1971) can be ill-posed under certain circumstances. Under these conditions the model loses its predictiv ...
Throughout the last two centuries engineers have intervened large rivers for the sake of, among others, improving navigability and preventing flooding (Lonnquest et al., 2014). These interventions have induced morphodynamic changes that we still face nowadays. One if the conseque ...
The active layer model (Hirano, 1971) is frequently used for modeling mixed-size sediment river morphodynamic processes. It assumes that all the dynamics of the bed surface are captured by a homogeneous top layer that interacts with the flow. Although successful in reproducing a ...
A two-dimensional model describing river morphodynamic processes under mixed-size sediment conditions is analysed with respect to its well posedness. Well posedness guarantees the existence of a unique solution continuously depending on the problem data. When a model becomes ill ...
An engineered alluvial river (i.e., a fixed-width channel) has constrained planform but is free to adjust channel slope and bed surface texture. These features are subject to controls: the hydrograph, sediment flux, and downstream base level. If the controls are sustained (or cha ...
The mixed-size character of sediment is a necessary property to ex- plain physical phenomena such as downstream fining or the presence of armor layers. The active layer model was developed to model mixed-size sediment in river morphodynamics. This model assumes that the topmost p ...
In this paper we analyze the Hirano active layer model used in mixed sediment river morphodynamics concerning its ill-posedness. Ill-posedness causes the solution to be unstable to short-wave perturbations. This implies that the solution presents spurious oscillations, the amplit ...
Laboratory experiments were conducted on a sand-gravel Gilbert delta to gain insight on its dynamics under varying base level. Base level rise results in intensified aggradation over the topset, as well as a decrease in topset slope and topset surface coarsening, the signals of w ...
Two-dimensional fl ow models are widely used and necessary to predict phenomena such as the dynamics of bars. In these problems the effect of the bed slope in the direction of the sediment transport rate needs to be accounted for to obtain physically realistic results. This effec ...
Downstream fining of bed sediment in alluvial rivers is usually gradual, but often an abrupt decrease in characteristic grain size occurs from about 10 to 1 mm, i.e., a gravel-sand transition (GST) or gravel front. Here we present an analytical model of GST migration that explici ...
The active layer model (Hirano, 1971) is the most commonly used model to account for mixed-size sediment processes in modeling morphodynamics of rivers, coasts, and estuaries. In this model, only the sediment in the topmost part of the bed (the active layer, characterized by a ce ...
A gravel-sand transition (GST) seems to be the result of a gravel wedge. Such a wedge can prograde, halt, and even retreat. It is typical of an ungraded or transient reach (Blom et al., 2016), where profile concavity and downstream fining can be much stronger than in a graded or ...

The set of equations used in modelling river  morphodynamics needs to be (at least) wellposed  to be representative of the real natural  phenomenon. As we deal with a time dependent  process the solution needs to be wave-like to be  well-posed. In ...

The graded alluvial river

Profile concavity and downstream fining

There has been quite some debate on the relative importance of particle abrasion and grain size selective transport regarding the river profile form and the associated grain size trends in a graded alluvial stream. Here we present new theoretical equations for the graded alluvial ...
We present a new image analysis technique for measuring the grain size distribution (texture) of the bed surface during flow in a laboratory experiment. A camera and a floating device are connected to a carriage used to take images of the bed surface over the entire flume length. ...