E.C.M.M. Arkesteijn

9 records found

Recent analysis of equilibrium and quasi-equilibrium channel geometry in engineered (fixed-width) rivers has successfully shown that two temporal scales can be distinguished, with quasi-static (long-term) and dynamic (short-term) components. This distinction is based on the fact ...
An engineered alluvial river (i.e., a fixed-width channel) has constrained planform but is free to adjust channel slope and bed surface texture. These features are subject to controls: the hydrograph, sediment flux, and downstream base level. If the controls are sustained (or cha ...
The active layer model (Hirano, 1971) is frequently used for modeling mixed-size sediment river morphodynamic processes. It assumes that all the dynamics of the bed surface are captured by a homogeneous top layer that interacts with the flow. Although successful in reproducing a ...
Potential consequences of climate change are the amplification of extreme discharge events and an overall increase in fl ow rates. Their effects on river future morphodynamic behaviour (e.g., 100 years) has been assessed through numerical simulation of different climate scenarios ...
Reliable hazard analysis is a crucial step in flood risk management, and for large river systems, the effects of breaches on downstream regions should be taken into account. Accounting for these breaches in hazard analyses is often termed ‘hydrodynamic system behaviour’ analyses, ...
When rivers are forced by statistically invariant boundary conditions (i.e. an upstream water discharge, upstream sediment discharge and downstream base level that fluctuate around constant mean values), and are not subject to any forcing with a temporal trend (e.g. no uplift/sub ...
A river that is forced by statistically invariant boundary conditions and is notsubject to any forcing with a temporal trend continuously tends to anequilibrium state in which the bed level and texture fluctuate around stable meanvalues. Studying the equilibrium state of a river ...
In this paper, a cell-colony based formalism for the healing of superficial wounds is presented. The paper incorporates the migration, proliferation, and death of constituent cells, in the context of wound healing. The present study considers wound healing under ischemic conditio ...