Jos Malda
11 records found
Background: The use of acellular hydrogels to repair osteochondral defects requires cells to first invade the biomaterial and then to deposit extracellular matrix for tissue regeneration. Due to the diverse physicochemical properties of engineered hydrogels, the specific properti
Summary: The objective of this study was to evaluate a non-resorbable implant for the focal repair of osteochondral defects. Enhanced adherence of repair cartilage overgrowing the implants was the secondary goal and was tested by introducing porosities on the articular surface of
Recent insights suggest that the osteochondral interface plays a central role in maintaining healthy articulating joints. Uncovering the underlying transport mechanisms is key to the understanding of the cross-talk between articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Here, we descri
Osteoarthritis of the hip is a painful and debilitating condition commonly occurring in humans and dogs. One of the main causes that leads to hip osteoarthritis is hip dysplasia. Although the current surgical methods to correct dysplasia work satisfactorily in many circumstances,
Innovative Tissue-Engineered Strategies for Osteochondral Defect Repair and Regeneration
Current Progress and Challenges
Clinical treatments for the repair of osteochondral defects (OCD) are merely palliative, not completely curative, and thus enormously unfulfilled challenges. With the in-depth studies of biology, medicine, materials, and engineering technology, the conception of OCD repair and re
5 jaar geleden beschreven wij de opkomst van 3D-printen in de geneeskunde. Het betrof het 3D-printen van anatomische structuren, patiëntspecifieke boorgeleiders, zaagmallen en implantaten en het printen van levende cellen, groeifactoren en biomaterialen (‘bioprinten’). Chirurgen
Effects of body mass on microstructural features of the osteochondral unit
A comparative analysis of 37 mammalian species
Since Galileo's days the effect of size on the anatomical characteristics of the structural elements of the body has been a subject of interest. However, the effects of scaling at tissue level have received little interest and virtually no data exist on the subject with respect t
An important aspect in cartilage ageing is accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) after exposure to sugars. Advanced glycation results in cross-links formation between the collagen fibrils in articular cartilage, hampering their flexibility and making cartilage mo
As articular cartilage is an avascular tissue, the transport of nutrients and cytokines through the tissue is essential for the health of cells, i.e. chondrocytes. Transport of specific contrast agents through cartilage has been investigated to elucidate cartilage quality. In lab
The introduction of additive manufacturing (AM), often referred to as three-dimensional (3D) printing, has initiated what some believe to be a manufacturing revolution, and has expedited the development of the field of biofabrication. Moreover, recent advances in AM have facilita