M. Naderloo

16 records found

A central goal of laboratory seismology is to infer large-scale seismic processes from small-scale experiments, with acoustic emissions (AE) being a common observable. These signals, indicative of microfracturing, slip localization, and damage evolution, are often paralleled with ...
Addressing climate change and transitioning to renewable energy will involve subsurface activities like carbon storage, geothermal exploitation, and underground energy storage. However, fluid injection and extraction in the subsurface can alter the pressure, temperature, stress, ...
Induced earthquakes are still highly unpredictable, and often caused by variations in pore fluid pressure. Monitoring and understanding the mechanisms of fluid-induced fault slip is essential for seismic risk mitigation and seismicity forecasting. Fluid-induced slip experiments w ...
Forecasting the occurrence of natural hazards, such as earthquakes or landslides, remain very challenging. These hazards are often caused by stress changes in the subsurface, therefore detecting and monitoring these changes can help the prediction and mitigation. Active ultrasoni ...
Seismic interferometry (SI) retrieves new seismic responses, for example reflections, between either receivers or sources. When SI is applied to a reflection survey with active sources and receivers at the surface, non-physical (ghost) reflections are retrieved as well. Ghost ref ...
Recent laboratory and field studies suggest that temporal variations in injection patterns (e.g., cyclic injection) might trigger less seismicity than constant monotonic injection. This study presents results from uniaxial compressive experiments performed on Red Felser sandstone ...
Considering the storage capacity and already existing infrastructures, underground porous reservoirs are highly suitable to store green energy, for example, in the form of green gases such as hydrogen and compressed air. Depending on the energy demand and supply, the energy-rich ...
Seismic interferometry (SI) retrieves new seismic responses between receivers or sources using, e.g., cross-correlation. Applying SI to a reflection survey with active sources and receivers at the surface, one retrieves ghost reflections besides the physical reflections. Ghost re ...
Robust and reliable prediction of (induced) earthquakes remains a challenging task. Seismicity predictions are made using probabilistic models, precursors such as average earthquake size distribution. Pore pressure variations cause stress perturbations along pre-existing fault pl ...
Underground energy storage (UES) in porous and cavity reservoirs can be used to balance the mismatch between the production and demand of renewable energy. Understanding the geomechanical behaviour of these reservoirs under different storage conditions, i.e., storage frequency an ...
Increased seismicity due to subsurface activities has led to increased interest in monitoring and seismic risk mitigation. In this study we combined passive and active acoustic monitoring methods to monitor fault sliding and reactivation in the laboratory. Acoustic emission (AE) ...
The risk of induced seismicity is increasing, due to the increasing human activities in the subsurface, such as gas extraction, geothermal energy production, or CO2 storage. To mitigate the seismic hazard and limit the risk, monitoring and forecasting are essential. We performed ...
With human activities in the subsurface increasing, so does the risk of induced seismicity. For mitigation of the seismic hazard and limiting the risk, monitoring and forecasting are essential. A laboratory study was performed to find precursors to fault failure. In this study, R ...
Over the last few years, several experimental and numerical studies have investigated the mitigation and managing of fluid injection-induced seismicity. A cyclic fluid injection has been suggested to have a different seismic response than a monotonic injection, and a cyclic injec ...
Gas extraction has caused pressure differences along the field, triggering earthquakes, which are causing a lot of damage and social unrest in the Groningen area. Predicting the degree of these stress changes, and as a result, the potential onset and exact location of failure and ...