Monitoring pore-pressure depletion in the Groningen reservoir using ghost reflections from seismic interferometry

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Seismic interferometry (SI) retrieves new seismic responses between receivers or sources using, e.g., cross-correlation. Applying SI to a reflection survey with active sources and receivers at the surface, one retrieves ghost reflections besides the physical reflections. Ghost reflections are retrieved from the correlation of two primary reflections or multiples from two different depth levels. They are only sensitive to the changes in the layer that cause them to appear in the result of SI.

Using ghost reflections from SI, we investigate the possibility of monitoring pore-pressure depletion due to gas extraction in the Groningen gas field, Netherlands. We performed an active-source transmission laboratory experiment to measure S-wave velocities at pore pressures of 50, 80, 100, 200, and 300 bar. Using these values; we numerically model scalar reflection data with sources and receivers at the surface for the Groningen subsurface model. Applying SI by auto-correlation to these datasets, we retrieve zero-offset ghost reflections. We show that using only the reflections from the top and the bottom of the reservoir is essential for retrieving a specific ghost reflection from inside the reservoir. The retrieved ghost reflections showed clear time differences, indicating they can be utilized to monitor reservoir pore-pressure depletion changes.


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