6 records found


Growth and division are central to cell size. Bacteria achieve size homeostasis by dividing when growth has added a constant size since birth, termed the adder principle, by unknown mechanisms.1,2 Growth is well known to be regulated by guanosi ...

Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters are ancient and ubiquitous protein cofactors and play irreplaceable roles in many metabolic and regulatory processes. Fe-S clusters are built and distributed to Fe-S enzymes by dedicated protein networks. The core components of these networks are wi ...

While CRISPR-Cas defence mechanisms have been studied on a population level, their temporal dynamics and variability in individual cells have remained unknown. Using a microfluidic device, time-lapse microscopy and mathematical modelling, we studied invader clearance in Escher ...

Every cell must produce enough membrane to contain itself. However, the mechanisms by which the rate of membrane synthesis is coupled with the rate of cell growth remain unresolved. By comparing substrate and enzyme concentrations of the fatty acid and phospholipid synthesis p ...

Bacteria have been an integral part of human life since the ancient times either as cooperative tenants living in and around us or as constant threats to our health and wellbeing. Since prehistoric times we unknowingly used them as tools of fermentation and fought against them wi ...

Advances in our ability to zoom in on single cells have revealed striking heterogeneity within isogenic populations. Attention has so far focussed predominantly on underlying stochastic variability in regulatory pathways and downstream differentiation events. In contrast, the ...