A Validation Infrastructure for Non-Ideal Compressible Fluid Dynamics
with applications to ORC Turbines
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The objective of this thesis was to further the validation effort on the SU2 flow solver for non-ideal compressible flows. To do so, an uncertainty quantification infrastructure based on the V&V20 validation standard was developed. To determine whether a model error was present, the different sources of uncertainty were combined and then compared to the error between the SU2 simulations and the experiments. A variety of paradigmatic test cases were proposed which, together, would constitute a robust validation of the SU2 flow solver. Two paradigmatic unit test cases were analyzed; namely, a supersonic inviscid flow and a Mach 2.0 flow over a 2.5 degree wedge. The operating conditions of the experiments were as follows: an inlet total temperature and pressure of T_0=252°C and P_0=18.4 bara, and a back pressure of P_out=2.1 bara, for the first case, and T_0=180°C, P_0=3.5 bara and P_out=1.0 bara, for the second. The solver is able to predict the shock wave angle accurately. This step towards the validation was successful because the calculated total expanded uncertainty of 1.79% is higher the comparison error of 0.57%.In the second part of the thesis, the uncertainty quantification infrastructure was adapted to a test case constituted by more complicated flow features; namely, a supersonic flow through a 5-channel blade row. The computed uncertainties were on the same order of magnitude as in the supersonic inviscid flow test case. The simulations were verified with state-of-the-art CFD software for the quantities pressure and the Mach number. The positive result of the validation represents a step forward in the validation of the flow solver for non-ideal turbomachinery cases. The adaptation of the infrastructure to the cascade blade row paves the way for complex cases and for system response quantities of interest in industrial applications of CFD software, such as efficiency, to be assessed.