Virtual plane-wave imaging via Marchenko redatuming

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Marchenko redatuming is a novel scheme used to retrieve up- and downgoing Green's functions in an unknown medium.Marchenko equations are based on reciprocity theorems and are derived on the assumption of the existence of functions exhibiting space-time focusing properties once injected in the subsurface. In contrast to interferometry but similarly to standard migration methods, Marchenko redatuming only requires an estimate of the direct wave from the virtual source (or to the virtual receiver), illumination from only one side of the medium and no physical sources (or receivers) inside the medium. In this contribution we consider a different time-focusing condition within the frame of Marchenko redatuming that leads to the retrieval of virtual plane-wave responses. As a result, it allows multiple-free imaging using only a 1-D sampling of the targeted model at a fraction of the computational cost of standard Marchenko schemes. The potential of the new method is demonstrated on 2-D synthetic models.


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