Cyclist Route Choice Modeling

A research on influence of Openness & Monotony on cyclist route choice

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In previous studies on cyclist route choice, many influencing factors have been identified. Openness of the built environment, which can be described as the extent of open space above and around a specific point, has no yet been related to cyclist travel behaviour. Monotony of the built environment, described as the extent of visual variation of elements that form the built environment for a sequence of locations, has been related to transportation problems but not to cyclist route choice in particular. This research seeks to bridge this gap in existing literature by determining the effect of the openness and monotony of the built environment on cyclist route choice in the Province of Noord-Brabant. The openness value for a specific route has been modeled by accounting for the building heights and distance to a building for a sequence of locations. Applying a linear regression analysis with the openness and monotony model as input shows that openness of the built environment has a negative influence on the amount of distance people are willing to diverge from the shortest path, while on the other hand, cyclists prefer to use roads with higher variation in the built environment. However, the results show that the proportional influence of both factors can be considered as low.
