Impacts of safety interventions on occupational safety in the Indian coal mines
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Improving coal mine safety has become a top priority for policymakers and the Indian government in recent years. It is advantageous for the Indian government to assess the impact of current safety interventions on occupational safety in order to ensure their proper functionality. "Occupational safety" had gotten a lot of attention since the early 1990s, when accident rates in the coal industry were skyrocketing across the country. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of current Indian coal mining interventions on occupational safety. The central research question is, "What impact do safety interventions have on occupational safety in Indian coal mines?"
Occupational safety is concerned with potentially hazardous situations. Occupational safety has received a lot of attention in the last decade, and the Indian government is constantly working to improve occupational safety and reduce the risk of injuries in coal mines. According to the research, the current interventions implemented in Indian coal mines have a positive impact on occupational safety. The provision of proper mine infrastructure, adequate facilities for mine supervisors, availability of equipment, and primary school education can all help to improve the interventions in practice.
Similarly, interventions that are not yet in use can have a positive impact on occupational safety if implemented incorrectly.
The research helps to ensure the safety of workers. The study also provides policymakers and the directorate general of mine safety with insights into how to improve occupational safety, such as considering education, access to adequate for mine supervisors, and mine visits before developing policies to realize the true problems a worker faces regarding occupational safety.