A co-creational approach in the Dutch infrastructure sector

Exploring the added value of implementing a co-creational approach in the pre-contractual phase

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Recently a new phenomenon introduced itself in the Dutch infrastructure sector called co-creation. It is described in literature as ‘the joint creation of value between a company and its consumers’. It marks a shift in thinking and became a popular concept to increase the participation of consumers around the year 2000. Since then it has spread to other industries. In the service-and product design it already proved to be a good method as benefits such as increased satisfaction among consumers, cost reduction for the firm and innovative ideas has been mentioned in literature. . In this research, seven elements are identified that are found as necessary conditions for the co-creation concept. With decomposing it into elements it was found that the concept became less abstract, making it more practical for project leaders to implement the concept in their projects. Co-creation in the infrastructure sector is about placing the stakeholder in a central position and together identify their needs and investigate how value can be created jointly.
