Cyber-Physical Testbed Co-simulation Real-Time
Normal and Abnormal System Frequency Response
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Future carbon-neutral power systems impose many challenges; one is the urgent need for a simulation platform that allows replicating the complex systems’ actual dynamic performance. This paper shows the results of implementing a cyber-physical testbed co-simulation in real-time to analyse the system frequency response considering primary frequency control and emergency frequency control: under-frequency load-shedding (UFLS) protection schemes. The proposed testbed uses a physical layer of two real-time simulators from different vendors in a closed loop, Opal-RT OP4510 and Typhoon HIL 604, being the first simulator for test system modelling and the remainder used to implement the UFLS protection scheme. Two connections of the real-time simulators are considered: physical connection using wires to exchange analogue signals and cybernetic digital communication using ANSI C37.118 communication protocol. The cybernetic layer of the testbed models a test system, controls the real-time simulation, and implements digital communication between the simulators. A modified version of the P.M. Anderson 9-bus systems is used for testing purposes, including phasor measurement units (PMUs). Results of the real-time simulation show the appropriate performance of the proposed testbed.