Implementation and Evaluation of an Order Parameter for the Reaction-Diffusion Model in a Cellular Automaton
How does an order parameter perform on a Reaction-Diffusion model implemented in a Cellular Automata?
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This paper describes the process and evaluation methods by which we adapted a Reaction-Diffusion model and an order parameter to monitor its segregation state in a 2D Cellular Automaton model. The model simulates Turing pattern formations, whose behavior will be studied by an order parameter formulated for this project. This order parameter acts as an indicator of the mixture state of the world. The implementation process of such a cellular automaton and an order parameter is described in detail, as well as the evaluation of this model and its order parameter. Different evaluation methods will be performed on this order parameter to show it as a valid indicator of the segregation state of the world in this model, as well as showcase different interesting properties and limitations of the parameters. Such methods will involve plots like Evolution, Phase-Transition, or Linear Regression plots, and the paper will conclude by summing up all the work taken into this project to confirm that this order parameter, with its formulation in this paper, is a valid and interesting one to use.