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A.B.T. Barbaro

19 records found

Because of its responsiveness to changes in the marine environment, it has been suggested by Rose in 2005 that the capelin, a small pelagic fish that is key to the ecology and fisheries of the North Atlantic, could be seen as a “canary in the coalmine” to detect signals of change ...
We study a two-species cross-diffusion model that is inspired by a system of convectiondiffusion equations derived from an agent-based model on a two-dimensional discrete lattice. The latter model has been proposed to simulate gang territorial development through the use of graff ...
We develop an agent-based model on a lattice to investigate territorial development motivated by markings such as graffiti, generalizing a previously-published model to account for K groups instead of two groups. We then analyze this model and present two novel variations. Our mo ...
We study distributional solutions to the radially symmetric aggregation equation for power-law potentials. We show that distributions containing spherical shells form part of a basin of attraction in the space of solutions in the sense of “shifting stability." For spherical shell ...
We consider a collective behavior model in which individuals try to imitate each others' velocity and have a preferred speed. We show that a phase change phenomenon takes place as diffusion decreases, bringing the system from a "disordered" to an "ordered" state. This effect is r ...
We consider a hydrodynamic model of swarming behavior derived from the kinetic description of a particle system combining a noisy Cucker-Smale consensus force and self-propulsion. In the large self-propulsive force limit, we provide evidence of a phase transition from disordered ...

Territorial developments based on graffiti

A statistical mechanics approach

We study the well-known sociological phenomenon of gang aggregation and territory formation through an interacting agent system defined on a lattice. We introduce a two-gang Hamiltonian model where agents have red or blue affiliation but are otherwise indistinguishable. In this m ...
In this paper we introduce simplified, exact, combinatorial formulas that arise in the vortex interaction model found in [33]. These combinatorial formulas allow for the efficient implementation and development of a new multi-moment vortex method (MMVM) using a Hermite expansion ...
We propose an agent-based model to simulate the creation of street gang rivalries. The movement dynamics of agents are coupled to an evolving network of gang rivalries, which is determined by previous interactions among agents in the system. Basic gang data, geographic informatio ...
In this paper, we study simulations of the schooling and swarming behavior of a mathematical model for the motion of pelagic fish. We use a derivative of a discrete model of interacting particles originated by Vicsek and Czirók et al. [A. Czirók, T. Vicsek, Collective behavior of ...
We present a shape-based approach to three-dimensional image reconstruction from diffuse optical data. Our approach differs from others in the literature in that we jointly reconstruct object and background characterization and localization simultaneously, rather than sequentiall ...