Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
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Current point cloud denoising (PCD) models optimize single networks, trying to make their parameters adaptive to each point in a large pool of point clouds. Such a denoising network paradigm neglects that different points are often corrupted by different levels of noise and they may convey different geometric structures. Thus, the intricacy of both noise and geometry poses side effects including remnant noise, wrongly-smoothed edges, and distorted shape after denoising. We propose PathNet, a pathselective PCD paradigm based on reinforcement learning (RL). Unlike existing efforts, PathNet enables dynamic selection of the most appropriate denoising path for each point, best moving it onto its underlying surface. We have two more contributions besides the proposed framework of path-selective PCD for the first time. First, to leverage geometry expertise and benefit from training data, we propose a noise- and geometry-aware reward function to train the routing agent in RL. Second, the routing agent and the denoising network are trained jointly to avoid under- and over-smoothing. Extensive experiments show promising improvements of PathNet over its competitors, in terms of the effectiveness for removing different levels of noise and preserving multi-scale surface geometries. Furthermore, PathNet generalizes itself more smoothly to real scans than cutting-edge models.