Sustainability consult Irmão beach restaurant

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Irmão is a beach restaurant located in the region of Lisbon in Portugal and has been taken over by the new owners one year ago. Since the takeover, the owners of Irmão have been trying to work in a sustainable way, but there is always room for improvement. In addition, Irmão may have to move 100 metres inland due to a possible change in local regulations. Because of the uncertainty in the course of events, this report is written as guideline in order to make the current restaurant more sustainable and as a guideline during the design of the new beach restaurant, should the restaurant have to be relocated.

The aim of the report is therefore to provide beach restaurant Irmão with a consult on how to establish and operate a more sustainable beach restaurant, in present or future times. The study, executed at Irmão, focused on three main themes; the water system, waste management and the energy system. The level of sustainability in these areas is quantified in three ways, namely: the use of resources such as fossil fuels and groundwater; the emission of greenhouse gases CO2, NOx and CH4; the pollution of the direct environment, for example waste that ends up in nature or polluted waste water that flows into the soil. The present and future times refer to the two different scenarios used to implement sustainable solutions. If the restaurant is allowed to stay at its current location, it is referred to as the Improved Irmão Scenario. If the location has to be changed, it is referred to as the Future Irmão Scenario. For the Improved Irmão Scenario, the boundaries and limits of the current restaurant are taken into account and the design is carried out within these limits. For the Future Irmão Scenario on the other hand, these limits are loosened and the design is carried out from scratch.

To provide Irmão with a consult how to establish and operate a more sustainable beach restaurant, three steps were taken. First, the current situation of the three subjects is analysed to get a clear understanding of the current situation. This is done to have a baseline against which the final improvements can be compared. Secondly, different solutions to make Irmão more sustainable, within the three main topics, are compared using a multi¬criteria analysis to determine the most promising solutions. Thirdly, the final solutions are elaborated for the Improved Irmão Scenario and for the Future Irmão Scenario.

Regarding the Water system, the analysis showed that the water consumed at Irmão partly originates from the water grid and partly from the borehole in the dunes. The water use is estimated to cause an emission of 182 kg CO2 annually, leaving little room for improvement in emission reduction as this is a relative low amount. However, the water system is currently not water-efficient because it does not contain any water circularity and the water system does not contain any water saving equipment. Improvements regarding water usage are therefore possible. Regarding waste management, the analysis showed that currently, only residual waste is not recycled. Therefore, the section on waste management focused on making residual waste more sustainable. Regarding the energy system of Irmão, it became clear from the analysis that Irmão currently consumes propane gas and electricity from the local electricity grid. Both the consumption of propane gas and electricity from the local grid contribute to an emission of 26.8 tonnes of CO2 annually. From all processes carried out during the operation of Irmão, only the consumption of propane gas leads to an emission of NOx, namely 382 kg NOx annually…
