Reliability and Models of Subjective Motion Incongruence Ratings in Urban Driving Simulations
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In moving-base driving simulators, the sensation of the inertial car motion provided by the motion system is controlled by the motion cueing algorithm (MCA). Due to the difficulty of reproducing the inertial motion in urban simulations, accurate prediction tools for subjective evaluation of the simulator's inertial motion are required. In this article, an open-loop driving experiment in an urban scenario is discussed, in which 60 participants evaluated the motion cueing through an overall rating and a continuous rating method. Three MCAs were tested that represent different levels of motion cueing quality. It is investigated under which conditions the continuous rating method provides reliable data in urban scenarios through the estimation of Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega. Results show that the better the motion cueing is rated, the lower the reliability of that rating data is, and the less the continuous rating and overall rating correlate. This suggests that subjective ratings for motion quality are dominated by (moments of) incongruent motion, while congruent motion is less important. Furthermore, through a forward regression approach, it is shown that participants' rating behavior can be described by a first-order low-pass filtered response to the lateral specific force mismatch (66.0%), as well as a similar response to the longitudinal specific force mismatch (34.0%). By this better understanding of the acquired ratings in urban driving simulations, including their reliability and predictability, incongruences can be more accurately targeted and reduced.