Cyber-Physical Testbed Co-simulation Real-Time

System Frequency Response

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Future carbon-neutral power systems impose many challenges; one of them is an advanced simulation platform that allows replicating the complex systems' actual dynamic performance. DIgEnSys-Lab is working toward proposing solutions to the most critical challenges to carbon-neutral energy systems. This paper shows preliminary results of implementing a cyber-physical testbed co-simulation real-time dedicated to analysing system frequency response. The testbed is a cyber-physical system where the physical layer is represented by two real-time simulators in a closed loop: Typhoon HIL 604 and Opal-RT OP4510. The cybernetic layer is used to model a test system and to control the real-time simulation. This paper shows the results of the system frequency response of a modified version of the P.M Anderson 9-bus system using phasor measurement units. Simulation results show the appropriate performance of the proposed testbed.


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