The Design of a ’Water Droplet’-Based UFP Mitigation System at Airports

A Case Study at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

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This research explored potential designs of an innovative mitigation strategy to combat the aircraft-produced ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS). This technique is based on the principle that fine water droplets are able to encapsulate dust and fine particles, which clump together and eventually descent to the ground. The reduction of airborne particle concentrations is expected to have a significant effect on the health of (platform) employees, which makes it an interesting strategy to further investigate. A wide variety of stakeholders, from both the aviation industry and the academic world, were interviewed about the important design components that need to be incorporated in a potential mitigation system, as well as essential requirements that the system needs to comply with. A system that integrated the cold start of the aircraft engines as the most suitable moment and the introduction of remote starting positions as the most optimal location for the implementation of UFP mitigation strategies, contributed to the proposed conceptual design for AMS. A system alternative in which the water droplets are directed into the jet engine outlets by spraying cannons was discussed for a close-up mitigation strategy, while an alternative in which a screen of water droplets is created to absorb the jet blast with emissions was established for the mitigation strategy at a further distance. The assessment of the conceptual system design, on its feasibility, viability and desirability, showed that the UFP mitigation system could have a desirable impact on Schiphol’s environment on the short-term. However, the possibilities of implementing remote starting positions at AMS and the impact that the system has on the starting capacity and the turnaround time should be further investigated to increase the system’s feasibility and viability.
