Procedural content generation in education

Orchestration of content using PCG

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Procedural Content Generation (PCG) is a powerful content generation technique that can be used to automatically generate content (an example would be exercises for a quiz or a game). As it stands, PCG is able to create content with zero human interaction which makes it a technique worth exploring for educational purposes. In the context of PCG, this research focuses on how PCG is used to orchestrate the simultaneous generation of content of various types and identify what could be done more, possibly towards educational use. The method chosen for this research is literature review. As such, this paper provides a summary of "orchestrative" PCG approaches found in recent literature and evaluates said approaches through the lens of "PCG for education". Findings are presented in an exhaustive manner with each piece of literature occupying a subsection. A discussion section that explores how these approaches could benefit education and/or what could be done to facilitate that is also present.


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