Analyzing the Use of Temperature to Facilitate Fault Propagation in ReRAMs

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Resistive Random-Access Memories (ReRAMs) represent a promising candidate to complement and/or replace CMOS-based memories used in several emerging applications. Despite all the advantages of using these novel memories, mainly due to the memristive device's CMOS manufacturing process compatibility, zero standby power consumption, as well as, high scalability and density, the use of them in real applications depends on being able to guarantee their quality after manufacturing. As observed in CMOS-based memories, ReRAMs are also susceptible to manufacturing deviations, defects, and process variations, that can cause faulty behaviors different from the ones observed in CMOS technology, increasing not only the manufacturing test complexity but also the time required to perform the test. In this context, this paper proposes to study the use of temperature to facilitate fault propagation in ReRAMs, reducing the required test time. A case study composed of a 3x3 word-based ReRAM with peripheral circuitry implemented based on a 130 nm Predictive Technology Model (PTM) library was adopted. During the proposed study, a total of 17 defects were injected in different positions of the ReRAM cell, and their respective faulty behavior was classified into traditional and unique faults, considering three temperatures (25, 100, and -40°C). The obtained results show that the temperature can, depending on the position of the defect, facilitate fault propagation, which reduces the time required for performing manufacturing testing.


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