The Influence of Spatially Varying Supply on Coastal Aeolian Transport: A Field Experiment
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Supply-limiting factors, like moisture content and sediment armoring,
influence coastal aeolian sediment transport and subsequently dune evolution
significantly. We organized a 6-week field experiment on the influence of
spatiotemporal variations in supply on coastal aeolian sediment transport at the
Sand Motor, The Netherlands. Due to the presence of a strongly curved coastline
and complex intertidal bathymetries, a large spatial variation in supply is to be
expected at the Sand Motor, which makes the area particularly suitable for a field
experiment on this subject. Preliminary results show that not the largest surface
area of sand, nor the biggest fetch or the most severe storm result in significant
aeolian sediment transport events, but persistent moderate winds over large
intertidal beaches are the key to coastal aeolian transport and subsequently dune