Flexibility trading for aggregators of electrical vehicles within the Universal Smart Energy Framework

A research on trading flexibility in a USEF compliant market at distribution level for aggregators of electrical vehicles

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Increased use of the distribution grid due to the uptake of distributed energy resources and the expected penetrations of Electrical Vehicles (EVs) could lead to congestion problems in the distribution grid. Congestion refers to issues related to the overheating of components or voltage issues in the distribution network. Avoiding these issues is crucial to maintain a stable, economical and reliable electricity grid. By using the flexibility of aggregated EVs large investments in grid reinforcement can be avoided. However, a holistic approach is necessary to manage the procurement of flexibility services for all stakeholders involved. One approach is the Universal Smart Energy Framework (USEF), a framework that integrates the existing electricity market with a market for flexibility services from the aggregator to the Distribution System Operator (DSO). This master thesis presents a study on the flexibility market as described by USEF from the perspective of a commercial aggregator of EVs. USEF presents a framework in which flexibility potentially provides financial opportunities for aggregators of EVs. However, it is not clear what the financial impact on the charging costs of an aggregator of EVs is and in what way an aggregator has to adapt its charging logic when trading with DSOs. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: how can an aggregator of EVs offer flexibility services to a USEF compliant market at distribution level? This report presents an in-depth analysis on USEF, determines the impact of network constraints from USEF on the charging costs of an aggregator of EVs and improves the charging strategy under USEF constraints.


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