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Indoor localisation for blind people with use of LiDAR scanning and ArcGIS Indoors

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Blind and visually impaired people currently have inconveniences locating themselves in the indoor environment. No standardized system exists for them yet. After an inventory of the requirements of blind people, different representations do qualify for providing specific information blind people need. The main research question is: "How can blind people localise themselves (near) real-time in indoor environments with the combination of 3 representations of reality, namely (1) LiDAR point cloud matching, (2) ArcGIS Indoors and (3) Audio dynamic tactile map as the user interface?". Room detection and positioning of the user within the room are obtained by LiDAR scanning and point cloud matching. The processed point cloud height raster grids are acquired and imported into the Esri ArcGIS platform. The rooms are geo-referenced, and data is enriched by contextual awareness. As a user interface for blind people this report proposes two deliverables: a dynamic tactile map and an added or stand-alone audible supported user interface. Preliminary results of the qualitative validation show positive outcomes. This report is a stepping stone for the possibility of integrating multiple into one device.
