Modelling and Optimization of Medium Voltage High Power Medium Frequency Transformers
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AC power transformers are one of the most sophisticated technologies in electrical engineering. However, they have some drawbacks facing volume-sensitive or weight-sensitive applications and energy conversion situations. The solid-state transformer is a promising power electronic technology that can solve the requirements of these applications. It utilizes power electronics and medium frequency (MF) transformers to achieve high power density and multiple functions in energy conversion. With the development of semiconductor switches, it is possible to handle medium voltage in the MF range (1kHz to 1MHz). Therefore, as an essential part of solid-state transformers, medium voltage high power medium frequency transformers require validated tools to model and optimize their design, which is the goal of this thesis. There are several challenges in designing such transformers. They include multiphysics models, Litz wire models, insulation design and design optimization, which are addressed in the thesis....