D.J. Dubbeling

3 records found

Building on Mars

Research on In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) for a sustainable habitat

Currently the possibilities of sending humans to Mars are being developed. This ambitious and exciting goal demands a broad range of new technologies, innovations and a fresh view on current challenges we are facing on Earth. This also applies to the field of Architectural and Bu ...

Geintegreerd offshore aquacultuur windmolenpark ontwerp

Multi-aquacultuur in een offshore windmolenpark Samen met onderzoekslaboratorium en museum

Abstract – The presented study focusses on the current situation of the European flat oyster (i.e., Ostrea edulis) within an ecosystem, its development and decline during past centuries and the habitat conditions nescacary to survive. Among these conditions substrate quality proo ...
Dit boekje is de neerslag van het thema ‘Faalkosten en budgetoverschrijdingen’,
onderdeel van het BSc-vak ‘Bouwkunde als wetenschappelijke discipline’:
Literatuuronderzoek (BK2AC1).