Geintegreerd offshore aquacultuur windmolenpark ontwerp
Multi-aquacultuur in een offshore windmolenpark Samen met onderzoekslaboratorium en museum
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Abstract – The presented study focusses on the current situation of the European flat oyster (i.e., Ostrea edulis) within an ecosystem, its development and decline during past centuries and the habitat conditions nescacary to survive. Among these conditions substrate quality proofed to be an important factor for the colonization of oyster larvae, literature research revealed that cultch (e.g., scallops) and non-CACO3 materials (e.g., concrete and granite) are among the most viable substrates for oyster reef restoration. The more feasible offshore conditions in windfarms create optimal situations for reef recovery in combination with Aquaculture, Integrated Multi-Trophic (IMTA). The combination of Windfarms and IMTA can be a first step towards oyster reef restoration in the North Sea by creating the assumed right conditions for oyster growth and survival. Research showed that giant steps still have to be made, the presented results in this abstract are promising.