Quantum computers can solve specific problems with practical applications efficiently faster than classical computers. Spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots are one of the most promising physical realizations of the quantum computers. This thesis aims to investigate the dynam
Quantum computers can solve specific problems with practical applications efficiently faster than classical computers. Spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots are one of the most promising physical realizations of the quantum computers. This thesis aims to investigate the dynamics of semiconductor spin qubits in their actual environment. Specifically, we aim to understand how the actual environment of the spin qubits give rise to nonlinear response of the qubits to external driving, crosstalk, dephasing (T2 processes), and the temperature-dependence of the qubit frequency.
Chapter 3 reports on experimental observation of the nonlinear response of the spin qubits to external driving as well as the crosstalk effect, where the Rabi frequency of an adjacent qubit changes as the target qubit is driven. We propose a phenomenological model that relates the external drivings to the observed dynamics of the spin qubits. The physical mechanism that give rise to these phenomena could not be reproduced in our analysis.
Given the progress in reducing noise sources in the spin qubits environment, it is pertinent to investigate the dephasing of spin qubits in a sparse bath of defects. In Chapter 4, we theoretically investigate the qubit dephasing, as measured in the Ramsey and Hahn echo experiments, in a sparse bath of two-level fluctuators (TLFs) with 1/f spectral density. We find that although the spectral density remains approximately unchanged, the coherence times become more variable as the bath becomes more sparse. We also find that in a sparse bath the qubit decoherence is dominated by only a fraction of TLF defects. Removing these defects results in a significant improvement of the coherence times.
Chapter 5 explores the potential of a bath of TLFs in elucidating the frequency shifts of spin qubits with temperature and the temperature insensitivity of Ramsey and echo decay times. These effects have been observed in experiments. By tuning the bath parameters, we are able to replicate the observed qubit frequency shift. However, our simulations reveal a decrease in qubit decoherence with temperature, which is inconsistent with the experimental findings.
On the whole, Chapters 3 and 5 aim to refine the models that we use to describe the dynamics of spin qubit in their environment. On the other hand, the theoretical work in Chapter 4 is inspired by the experimental observation of the variability of qubit decoherence and offers suggestions to improve coherence times in certain parameter regimes.@en