M.T.J. Spaan

52 records found

Recent advancements in differential simulators offer a promising approach to enhancing the sim2real transfer of reinforcement learning (RL) agents by enabling the computation of gradients of the simulator’s dynamics with respect to its parameters. However, the application of thes ...

Performance of Decision Transformer in multi-task offline reinforcement learning

How does the introduction of sub-optimal data affect the performance of the model?

In the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), techniques like Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Decision Transformer (DT) are utilized by machines to learn from experiences and solve problems. The distinction between offline and online learning determines whether the machine learns ...

Multi-Task Offline Reinforcement Learning

Experimental Evaluation of the Generalizability of the Soft Actor-Critic + Behavioral Cloning Algorithm

This paper examines the generalization capabilities of the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm when combined with Behavioral Cloning (BC) in a MiniGrid Four-Room Environment. Reinforcement learning (RL), particularly offline, is important for tasks where interactions with the envir ...
Offline Reinforcement Learning (Offline RL) involves learning policies from a static dataset without further interactions with the environment, making it suitable for high-stakes scenarios where data collection is costly or risky. This paper investigates the generalization capabi ...
Recent work has shown that offline reinforcement learning (RL) does not generalize well to new environments compared to behavioral cloning (BC). We propose WSAC-N, an ensemble model of soft actor-critics with weights to de-emphasize actions with high variance. We compare the zero ...
Meta-learning is an important emerging paradigm in machine learning, aimed at improving data-efficiency and generalization performance across learning tasks. Challenges caused by noisy data has been extensively researched in traditional learning settings. However, its impact in t ...

Teaching How to Learn to Learn

Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning for Efficient Meta-Learning

We investigate whether a teacher-student curriculum learning approach using a teacher network with a simpler structure than the student network can achieve better results at meta-learning. The goal of meta-learning is to learn from a set of tasks, and then perform well on a new, ...
Meta-Learning is an emerging field where the main challenge is to develop models capable of distilling previous experiences to efficiently learn new tasks. Curriculum Learning, a group of optimization strategies, structures data in a meaningful order which aids learning. However, ...

Exploration When Everything Looks New

Effect of the Local Uncertainty Source on Exploration

Agents improve by interacting with an environment and planning. By leveraging information about what they don't know, they can learn better and faster, at least in environments that benefit from exploring. They do this by estimating the uncertainty in their predictions. There are ...

Multi-task Offline Reinforcement Learning with CQL

A study on how dataset size and diversity increase generalization performance

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a type of machine learning where a model learns by
making an observation of the current state it is in, picking out an action to execute, and
observing the reward of said action, after which it receives the next state and repeats the
This paper explores the application of evolutionary algorithms to enhance task generation for Neural Processes (NPs) in meta-learning. Meta-learning aims to develop models capable of rapid adaptation to new tasks with minimal data, a necessity in fields where data collection is c ...
In Reinforcement Learning (RL), an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving feedback in the form of rewards. Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning (MTRL) extends this concept by training a single agent to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, a ...

Evaluating Robustness of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

How does entropy maximization affect the training and robustness of final policies under various testing conditions?

This research paper aims to investigate the effect of entropy while training the agent on the robustness of the agent. This is important because robustness is defined as the agent's adaptability to different environments. A self-driving car should adapt to every environment that ...

An empirical analysis of entropy search in batch bayesian optimisation

A comprehensive study of function shape, batch size, noise level, and dimensionality impact on information-theoretic methods

Bayesian optimisation is a rapidly growing area of research that aims to identify the optimum of the black-box function, as it strategically directs the optimisation process towards promising regions. This paper provides an overview of the theoretical background used by the Entro ...

Effects of action space discretization and DQN extensions on algorithm robustness and efficiency

How do the discretization of the action space and various extensions to the well-known DQN algorithm influence training and the robustness of final policies under various testing conditions?

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has gained atten-tion as a way of creating autonomous agents for self-driving cars. This paper explores the adap- tation of the Deep Q Network (DQN), a popular deep RL algorithm, in the Carla traffic simulator for autonomous driving. It investigates th ...

Comparative Analysis of Exploration Algorithms in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

How does epsilon-greedy, random network distillation, bootstrapped DQN affect training and the robustness of final policies under various testing conditions in autonomous driving?

Autonomous driving is a rapidly evolving field that aims to enhance road safety and reduce accidents through the use of advanced software and hardware technologies. Reinforcement learning (RL) combined with deep neural networks has emerged as a promising approach for training aut ...

Evaluating robustness of deep reinforcement learning for autonomous driving

Effects of domain randomization on training and robustness

Deep reinforcement learning has been a topic of research in recent years and has been expanding into the domain of autonomous driving. As autonomous driving is likely to involve people, such as daily commuters, it is necessary to ensure the machine will perform well enough in rea ...

Replacing the acquisition function in Bayesian optimization by a neural network

How effectively do meta-learned acquisition functions in Bayesian optimization perform when optimizing for control variates of unknown functions, as compared to BO with standard acquisition functions

Bayesian Optimization (BO) has demonstrated significant utility across numerous applications. However, due to it being designed as a universal optimizer, its performance can often be suboptimal in specialized environments. To overcome this issue, research has been conducted into ...

Effects of Partial Observability Solver Methods on Training and Final Policies in Autonomous Driver RL

How do different methods for dealing with partial observability in the environment influence training and the robustness of final policies under various testing conditions?

Autonomous driving is a complex problem that can potentially be solved using artificial intelligence. The complexity stems from the system's need to understand the surroundings and make appropriate decisions. However, there are various challenges in constructing such a sophistica ...
Scientific problems are often concerned with optimization of control variables of complex systems, for instance hyperparameters of machine learning models. A popular solution for such intractable environments is Bayesian optimization. However, many implementations disregard dynam ...