This master thesis described the embodiment design process of a new full-range directional hi-fi loudspeaker using a cardioid radiation pattern for Dutch & Dutch. Directional speakers minimize room boundary reflections to ensure the listener listens only to the direct sound w
This master thesis described the embodiment design process of a new full-range directional hi-fi loudspeaker using a cardioid radiation pattern for Dutch & Dutch. Directional speakers minimize room boundary reflections to ensure the listener listens only to the direct sound waves coming from the speaker instead of also listening to the non-direct sound waves that come from reflections against the wall, floor, and ceiling. Dutch & Dutch current 8c-speaker implement a directional cardioid radiation pattern for frequencies above 100Hz. However, as the human hearing goes to as low as 20Hz, a new concept was developed to accommodate a full-range cardioid radiation pattern.
An analysis of the company and its portfolio, sound acoustics, the target group, and design language is presented. The analysis provided guidelines to start the embodiment design, which focuses on aesthetics, materialization, production, and assembly. Experts on these different topics were consulted to provide expertise-feedback and evaluation of the designed solutions. Multiple prototypes were made for evaluation and communication purposes. The final design proposition beholds an embodied concept, including acoustical concept, aesthetical design, and materialization of a full-range directional high-end hi-fi loudspeaker reflecting the values of Dutch & Dutch.