R. Ungruh

5 records found

Factoring in What Gets Listened To

Evaluating the performance of a Factorisation Machine-based music recommender using musical features for child listeners

Recommender systems play a large role on contemporary music platforms, but they tend to work less well for non-mainstream listeners such as children. Additionally, there is no one strategy to perfectly capture a listener's music preference. As children develop understanding of mu ...

Smart Tunes for Kids

Comparing Deep Learning with Traditional Models in Music Recommendations for Children

The exponential growth of online content and consumer options has increased the reliance on recommender systems. Children, as a distinct user group, require tailored recommender systems different from those for adults. However, research on recommendation models for children is li ...

Recommending Appropriate Lyrics to Youngsters

Understanding the Presence of Inappropriate Content in Music Lyrics: Insights for Children's Recommender Systems

Recommender systems play a considerable role in the consumption of music, also for children. Children are easily influenced, inappropriate song lyrics can negatively impact children's behaviour and personality, by teaching inappropriate language or harmful biases. We argue for a ...

Children also like music

Exploring the prominence of specific musical features in music listened by children of different age ranges

Music recommender systems are increasingly present in our lives, and it is important to keep trying to improve recommendations in order to make them match the users preferences as well as possible. To achieve this, a vast amount of song and user data has to be analysed and t ...

Improving Music Recommender Systems For Youngsters

Using the listening history of youngsters to predict the features of the perfect song

Music plays a crucial role in children’s development by helping them express their identity, teaching them to belong to a culture, and developing their cognitive well-being and inner self-worth. Most music nowadays is consumed through online streaming websites like Spotify, which ...