5 records found

From Regulation to Revenue

How Policy Unlocks the Economic Potential of Dutch e-Jet Fuel Plants

The European Union has implemented Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) blend mandates in its member states, starting for bio-SAF in 2025 and for synthetic SAF (e-SAF) in 2030. Various e-kerosene plant projects have taken off in the last years in Europe. However, due to the high inves ...
This thesis explores how electronic human resource management (e-HRM) enhances employee performance in technology startups. During their transition phase, technology startups face challenges, such as maintaining effective communication, sustaining organizational culture, and mana ...
Poland represents an emergent venture capital (VC) market and it faces several critical challenges that impede its growth and dynamism. Key issues identified include a lack of growth capital, diminishing market activity, dependency on public funds, and a scarcity of foreign inves ...
This master thesis seeks to better understand the investment valuation procedure followed by software venture capitalists (VC) in the European context. I explain how VCs perform fair value estimations of software start-ups with the emerging comparable analysis technique. Furtherm ...

Influences on Technology Entrepreneurship

A Comparative Analysis Between The Netherlands and Japan

This thesis explored the contrast between the overarching category of entrepreneurship (from here on, “mainstream entrepreneurship” or ME) and the subset of technology entrepreneurship (TE) through a comparison of The Netherlands (low TE/high ME) and Japan (high TE/low ME), addre ...