A. Labetski
5 records found
In recent decades, it is well known that transportation systems have a crucial role in the economic development and social prosperity of modern societies. While road width can be considered as one of the most important factors of the road environments, there is no clear definitio
Q\&A fora have developed into a precious tool for online knowledge exchange. Being community-driven, openly accessible and free, getting an answer to a complicated question can nowadays be a matter of minutes. This research investigates the specific case of gis.stackexchange,
In the last two decades there has been a steady rise in the gathering and use of 3D geo-information. A common way to store and use 3D data is by using 3D city models. In 3D city models, geo-information can be stored at different levels of detail. CityGML, the most commonly used d
3D city models are now common planning and analysis tools. Urban vegetation as a feature in these models, however, is neglected overshadowed by the focus on buildings, so its inclusion in 3D city models is often symbolic. On the other hand, urban vegetation improves the comfort a
There are several 3D city models available openly, worldwide. These models are used in various applications, from which many expects a homogeneous Level of Detail (LoD). Validating the accuracy of the LoD of a model requires the inference its LoD class and its conformance to the