This thesis contributes to the scientific underpinning of the battle against fruit frost. Fruit frost is the freezing damage to blossoms when in the growing season the night temperature drops below 0±C. This results in damaged or undeveloped fruits, and a yield loss for the fruit
This thesis contributes to the scientific underpinning of the battle against fruit frost. Fruit frost is the freezing damage to blossoms when in the growing season the night temperature drops below 0±C. This results in damaged or undeveloped fruits, and a yield loss for the fruit farmer. Several techniques against fruit frost have been developed, including sprinkling and wind machines, often in combination with meteorological models, for example, to predict air temperature. However, the contribution of heat exchange with the soil to moderate orchard temperatures is often not included. In this thesis, this heat transfer is investigated, as an increase of heat transfer from the soil to the orchard during the night is a potential remedy against fruit frost. The research is based on measurements for soil temperature, soil heat flux, and soil moisture from two locations (1. Haarweg (Gelderland), The Netherlands 2. Bushland (Texas), The U.S.A.). First, a numerical model is developed to calculate the temperature and soil heat flux profiles for a soil layer. The results are compared to the results of an already developed analytical model. Second, the thermal parameters, that are of influence on the heat transfer, are analyzed by assessing a) their robustness in relation to the model and b) their relation to soil moisture. Because a numerical model is more flexible for shorter periods of data compared to an analytical model (because of underlying assumptions), it can be used to relate the parameters to (daily) varying soil moisture. Third, the numerical model for heat transfer is extended to the vegetation layer, and, again, the results are compared to analytical results. The model is created by assuming homogeneity in both separate layers and by discretizing the governing heat equation over the domain. The results show that the model reproduces temperature and soil heat flux in the soil layer with similar accuracy as the analytical, harmonic model. One thermal parameter, the diffusivity, is robust and does not show a clear dependency on soil moisture. The model is however sensitive to deviations in the other parameter, the heat conductivity. The model shows a clear relation between conductivity and soil moisture, and from this, a site-specific quantitative relation is determined. This relation however is only valid in the investigated region of moisture variation and we recommend future research to cover data in a broader range of soil moisture. Overall, we conclude that the model successfully reproduced the temperature and soil heat flux throughout the full vegetation-soil continuum.